Enabling the workforce of tomorrow

Building long-term people and learning strategies, aligned to organisational plans. Our work involves extensive stakeholder research, external benchmarking and the co-creation of strategic roadmaps that enable whole workforces to move forward with confidence.


Our methodology

In our strategy work, it’s different for different organisations. Some organisations want a ‘lite’ touch where we accelerate data gathering and provide high-level recommendations, while other organisations want extensive stakeholder interviews (100 people plus) and a detailed roadmap with full integration that includes systems, technology and resources.

Both of these different approaches still use our proven ‘COMPASS’ methodology.

1) Comprehend

Understanding current state, organisational dynamics and future expectations

2) Observe

Collecting best ideas (stakeholder interviews, surveys and external benchmarking)

3) Map

Designing the architecture of a 3-5 year plan

4) Present

Socialising the way forward (stakeholder feedback sessions)

5) Actualise

Building out the details of the plan, incl. resources, budgets and systems

6) Sign-Off

Signing-off the final plan with executive and sponsors

7) Start

Working together to implement the plan